Previous projects
We value your input and appreciate your participation in our past consultation and engagement projects. Here's a recap of some of the key projects we've held. You can access more information via the links below:
- Parks and Green Spaces Strategy: We invited the public to share their views on the proposed strategy, ideas for improvements and vision for the future.
- Annual Budget Consultation: We sought your views on our approach to balancing this year's budget.
- Planning Statement of Community Involvement: We consulted on our proposed statement to ensure that it reflects the latest national planning policy developments and that the public remain actively involved in shaping the city’s planning decisions.
- Enfield Road Playground Upgrade: We listened to local children, parents, grandparents and carers to create a playground design that meets their needs.
- Tenancy Policy: We sought your views on changes to our Tenancy Policy.
- Lakenham Way: We invited you to share your ideas to enhance the Lakenham Way for pedestrians, cyclists and wildlife.
- Norwich Livestock Market: We consulted on the proposal to seek legal permission to be able to relocate the Norwich Livestock Market outside the city's boundary.
- The Norwich Health & Wellbeing Partnership: Read about the partnership's goal to make Norwich a place where everyone has a chance to live a happy and healthy life.
- The Dell on Earlham Road: We consulted on three proposals to improve The Dell, a small natural area in the heart of Norwich.
- Busking Guidelines Review: We invited you to share your views and feedback on our proposed updated busking guidelines.
- Public Space Protection Order (PSPO): We went out to consult on a new PSPO to address anti-social behaviour associated with public alcohol consumption across the city.
- Small Culture Grants: We invited groups and community enterprises to apply for grant funding to support cultural events, festivals and other activities in the city.
- Website Redesign Project: We sought public feedback to inform the redesign of the city council website.
- Winchester Tower, Suffolk Square, Melbourne Cottages, Heathgate, Mile Cross and Normandie / Sherbourne: We're piloting new ways to enhance tenant engagement and property management.
- Winchester Tower, Suffolk Square, Mile Cross, Normandie Sherbourne and Heathgate: We launched several trial projects toexplore using digital tools to support estate inspections.
- The Norwich Climate Action Plan: Your voice is shaping our city's sustainable future.
- Love Norwich Campaign: We're tackling fly-tipping and supporting local projects.
- Caretaking Service Trial: We launched a pilot caretaking services for communal areas in flats with the aim to improve the overall condition and cleanliness of these shared spaces.
- Waterloo Park and Eaton Park: We invited the community to provide feedback on the proposed designs for these two playgrounds.
- Annual Budget Consultation: We sought your views on the proposed council tax level, spendingplans and the council's approach to balancing this years budget.
- Wensum Park Junior Playground: We invited the community to feedback on the proposed redesign of the playground including the removal of the sandpit and replacement with a flat safety surface.
- Living Wage City: Read about our commitment to making Norwich a Living Wage City. The real Living Wage, voluntarily paid by employers, was set to ensure employees could meet the increasing cost of living.
- Community-led Plan for Norwich (2024-29): We invited you to share your views and experiences to inform our five-year vision and goals.
- Culture Survey: In collaboration with The Norwich Creative City Compact, we surveyed residents to understand their engagement with local arts and culture.
- Customer and Digital Strategy: We developed a new Customer and Digital Strategy to better serve your needs as a resident or customer of the council.
- Project 7000+: We supported a citywide initiative to plant 7,000 new trees in Norwich by 2030.
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy: We consulted on our proposed strategy by asking you about its ambition, aims and priorities.
- Tenancy Strategy, Policy and Agreement: We consulted with residents on our proposed and updated documents.
- St Georges Playground Upgrade: We asked the community to select their preferred design for the playground.
- Heigham Park: In collaboration with the Friends of Heigham Park, we consulted on two proposed improvements for the space.
- Public Space Protection Order (PSPO):In collaboration with Norfolk Police, we consulted on a PSPO to help address the issue of vehicle related anti-social behaviour.
- Biodiversity Strategy 2022-2032: We sought your feedback and ideas to inform our proposed strategy and the associated Biodiversity Action Plan.
- Annual Budget Consultation: We asked for your views on the proposed council tax increase, budget gap-bridging strategies and plans for council tax relief.
- The Norwich Good Economy Commission carried out research from 2020 - 2022 to identify key issues and explore how we could improve our people’s lives and experience of the Norwich economy.
- The Big Biodiversity Conversation: We asked you to shape our vision and action plan for improving biodiversity across the city.
- Mile Cross, Mancroft and North Earlham: We invited you to share what you love about your area and spark conversation.