Where can I collect my tree?

    You can collect your tree from the Greenhouse Trust Gallery in Norwich (42-46 Bethel St, NR2 1NR). The gallery is open every Saturday between 11:00-16:00. 

    Where can I plant my tree?

    Most people will plant their tree in their own gardens, but you can plant it anywhere you have the landowner's permission to do so. 

    What type of art can I upload?

    You can upload any type of art you want, whether that's a sketch, painting, or just a photograph - feel free to be inventive!

    What if I can't scan my art and upload it online?

    If you can't scan your art and upload it online, feel free to drop it off at the Greenhouse Trust Gallery (42-46 Bethel St, NR2 1NR ) and we can upload it for you. You can either drop it off whilst the gallery is open, or post it through the letter box in an envelope. Make sure to include your name so we know who's posted it!

    Who's responsibilty is caring for the tree?

    The person who is planting the tree, and whose land it is on, bares the responsibility for caring for the tree and it's ongoing maintenance. The Greenhouse Trust and Norwich City Council bares no responsibility and/or liability in relation to the trees.

    What species are you giving away?

    We're giving away a range of species; all of these have been chosen to ensure maximum biodiversity benefit whilst also being suitable for smaller gardens. The vast majority are native species, but there might be some drought-tolerant non-native species to mitigate against the changing climate.