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Lakenham Way - Survey

We invite you to share your insights on enhancing this essential green corridor, which serves wheelers, walkers, and local wildlife. Your feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the Lakenham Way Greenway Management Plan, guiding its development for the next decade. All questions are optional, and you can complete the survey anonymously. Your participation is invaluable in helping us create a better Lakenham Way for everyone. 

The survey is organised into four key sections:

  • Section 1: Your experiences
  • Section 2: Potential improvements
  • Section 3: Biodiversity enhancements
  • Section 4: Community involvement

0% answered

About you

The following questions are designed to help us understand the diversity of those contributing to this consultation. Answering these questions is entirely optional. You can skip any question you do not wish to answer, and if you prefer not to disclose any information, feel free to move to the next question.

Please note:

  • All responses can be anonymous.
  • Please skip any questions you do not wish to answer.
  • Your data will be used solely for the purpose of this consultation.
  • For more information on how your data will be handled, click here.

What is your age?


What is your religion?


What is your ethnic group?


Do you have any long term illness, disability or health problem?


What is your gender?


Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?


Which of the following describes your sexual orientation?

Maximum 10 characters
